Ethiopia Sidamo Bensa Hamasho High Altitude Natural G1 西達摩 班莎 極上薔薇 日曬 – COFFEE ICON
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Ethiopia Sidamo Bensa Hamasho High Altitude Natural G1 西達摩 班莎 極上薔薇 日曬

RM 75.00

Ethiopia Sidamo Bensa Hamasho High Altitude Natural G1 

西達摩 班莎 極上薔薇 日曬 

Country      :  Ethiopia

Region       :  Sidamo Bensa

Variety       :  74158

Altitude      :  2200-2400m

Process     :  Natural

Level          :  Medium Light

Flavors      :  Rose Flower, Cherry, Citrus, Honey

Weight       :  200g

Bansha Town, the origin of Ethiopia’s exotic flowers and fragrant black horses

Bensa (Woreda) is located in Sidama (region). It is an emerging specialty coffee producing area that has attracted much attention in recent years. The conditions for coffee cultivation here are excellent, with abundant water resources and an altitude of more than 2,000 meters. Judging from the results of the 2021 Ethiopian Cup of Excellence (C.O.E.) competition, the district won #1, #5, #8, #22, and #30, which shows great potential.

At the critical point of high-altitude freezing damage, pride and perseverance bloom

This batch of sun-dried G1 from Hamzhuang, a micro-producing area, comes from one of the company’s highest processing sites, the Bangzhuang Station processing site, located at an altitude of 2,360 masl  ! The berries come from around 1,500 small farmers who live and grow them in the nearby Bombe Mountains. In the mountainous area at an altitude of 2,200 to 2,400 meters, ripe coffee fruits are sent to this processing station during the harvest season. The coffee beans produced at this site are firm and small in size (highly concentrated in the 13/14 site Purpose screen layer), which also reflects the slower and tighter texture of high-altitude growth. Both washed and sun-dried coffee are produced at this processing site. Sun-dried G1 is made from carefully selected ripe berries. After the fruits are collected, the floating fruits are first removed by running water, and then dried on the African bed for 14 to 18 days until they are fully dry, then shelled and packaged, and then transported to the capital for final drying, processing and screening.



Bensa(Woreda)位於西達摩自治區內Sidama (Region),是這幾年備受矚目的新興精品咖啡產區,有著相當優秀的咖啡種植條件,豐沛的水資源以及動則超過兩千的高海拔,攤開2021年的衣索比亞卓越杯(C.O.E.)比賽結果,此區就包辦了#1,#5,#8,#22,#30,潛力之大可見一斑。


本批次的微產區Hamasho日曬G1出自於Bensa最高的處理場之一,Hamasho Station處理場,所在海拔就已經來到2,360masl! 漿果來自於附近Bombe山脈約莫1500戶的小農,居住及栽種在海拔2200~2400masl不等的山區,每到採收季時便將成熟的咖啡果實送往該處理站後製,該站所生產的咖啡豆質地結實且個頭小(高度集中在13/14網目的篩網這一層),此也反映了高海拔生長結果較慢且質地緊密,此處理場水洗跟日曬咖啡皆有生產,日曬G1由精心挑選的成熟漿果製成。 收購後先過水去浮果然後在非洲床上乾燥 14 至 18 天降至足夠的乾燥度後脫殼包裝再運至首都進行最後的乾處理篩分。


- Keep the coffee beans away from air, moisture, light and heat !!

- Keep coffee beans or grounded beans in air tight container !!

- Keep coffee bean in a dry & cool place !!


- For coffee beans with WASHED PROCESS - 1 WEEK !!

- For coffee beans with NATURAL PROCESS - 2 WEEKS !!


➜ 100% Arabica Coffee Beans /100%阿拉比卡咖啡  !!

➜ Single Origin Specialty Grade Coffee Beans / 精品高山豆  !!

➜ Every Week Roasted Coffee Bean /每週烘培上架咖啡豆 !!

➜ High-quality control of sorting out defective beans / stones process / 手工挑除瑕疵豆  !!


✅ We supply for wholesale, for any inquiries contact Ray 012-763 9266 !!

✅ We offer coffee grinding services for Our Coffee Beans Only !!

✅ Kindly inform us of your brewing method, if a grinding service is required !!  


😊😊- Welcome to our showroom in Petaling Jaya, Waze or Google search: Coffee Icon (Opposite the 7-eleven)

-台灣精品,歡迎來門巿選購,請 Waze: Coffee Icon (7-eleven 對面)



medium light roastedENG VER146POSTING SOCMED (8)